Visit Canada

Visitor Visas

Since February 6, 2014 Visitor Visa Applications to Canada are automatically considered for multiple entry visas. This allows visitors to canada to come and go to and from Canada- 6 months at a time for the duration of visa validity.  
This is a part of Canada’s attempt to promote its tourism. 
Looking to visit Canada. Want a smooth, hassle free application process? Get in touch by clicking the Contact us button below, today. 

Super Visas

Effective Dec 1, 2011- Canada launched the Parent and Grandparent Super Visa program.
Benefits of Super visa over regular visitor visa:
1. Valid for upto 10 years
2. Ability to stay in canada for 24 months at a time without the need to renew their status.
3. Approximately 8 weeks processing times!

Some of the basic requirements For Super Visa to keep in mind: 

  • The parent/grandparent must:
  • Provide a written commitment of financial support from their child or grandchild in Canada who meets a minimum income threshold
  • Prove that they have bought Canadian medical insurance for at least one year to cover the period of time that they will be in Canada
  • Complete an Immigration Medical Examination (IME).

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